Do you happen to own one of the Hoyas below?, Then I would like to make a deal with you.
Please contact me to discuss the possibilities.
Hoya telosmoides (Very much wanted)
Hoya longicalyx
Hoya microphylla
Hoya 'Mathilde' (variegated)
Hoya curtisii (variegated)
Hoya platycaulis
Hoya polyneura (inner variegated)
Hoya solokensis
Hoya chinghuensis
Hoya platycaulis
Phyllanthera subsp. Bruno Mountains Found or in negotiation Hoya dennisii 'Frida' Hoya yingjiangensis
Hoya campanulata Hoya decipulae
Hoya inflata
Hoya lasiantha
Hoya aeschynanthoides
Hoya polypus
Hoya lacunosa (inner & outer variegated)
Hoya medusa